Anne Simon

Anne Simon

Research director at the CNRS, Anne Simon is a part of the School of Social Sciences where she is responsible for the Proust Pole and the “Animots” zoopoetics notebook. Her research focuses on the crossovers between philosophy, ethics and literature – she studies literary revitalizations of the ark motif, and novelist representations of industrial animal husbandry. Anne Simon has co-edited four special issues in literary and ecopoetic animal studies: L’Esprit créateur (2011), Contemporary French and Francophone Studies (2012), Fixxion (2015), Revue des Sciences humaines (2017). She is the author of four books on Proust and, with C. Détrez, an essay in gender studies (À leur corps défendant. Les femmes à l’épreuve du nouvel ordre moral, Seuil, 2006), she is currently finalizing a zoopoetic experiment.